Four international workshops on different aspects of participation were planned in the frame of REACH.
The third REACH Workshop was held in Granada on 26 November 2019. It focused on the "Participatory approaches for territorial cohesion” .
The scope of this international workshop was to investigate the value of participatory preservation of CH in terms of research advancement and social innovation.
Read the resume of the event here.
Programme and Presentations
Click here for the programme and presentations.
The workshop took place in Granada at Oficina de Proyectos Internacionales (OFPI) Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia - University of Granada, C/ Gran Vía de Colón, 48, 2ª Planta.
Tuesday 26 November 2019.
The workshop started from the experiences and lessons learnt during the participatory activities carried out in the MEMOLA project, coordinated by UGR. In addition the UGR team invited to participate some experts related with associations and institutions with a long experience in participatory activities from all around Spain. In particular we were pleased to receive the contribution of Jesús Fernández from La Ponte Ecomuseum (Asturias), Carolina Yacamán who presented the experience of Agrarian Park of Fuenlabrada (Madrid), Manuela Martínez from Salvemos La Vega, Sergio Couto from Iniciativas Comunales-ICCA Consortium and Paola Nella Branduini from Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino (Milan, Italy).
The event was mostly targeted to local administrations, territorial communities, academics and citizens organisations.
The workshop focused on the value of participatory preservation of Cultural Heritage specifically agrarian/rural heritage and cultural landscapes and addressed the themes of territorial cohesion and involvement of rural communities.
Particular cases of good practices and social innovation were analysed.
Photo Gallery
This gallery shows pictures of the workshop.