One year after the Brussels launch of the European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH), REACH Social Platform for participatory approaches and social innovation in culture organised a two-day event in Brussels on the 20th and the 21st of March 2019.
Click on the image below to download the report

Click here to download the Position Paper submitted to the European Commission
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20th March - Symposium:
- 9:00 – 9:30 registration
- 9:30 – 17:00 Symposium
Location: AUDITORIUM NOWOTNY 25th floor of the Covent Garden 2 Building, Brussels
Look at the Symposium Photo Gallery
Read the Blog about the outcomes
21st March - Policy debate:
- 8:30 – 9:00 – Registration
- 9:00 - 11,30 – Policy debate
- The visit of the House of European History will follow
Location: House of European History, Brussels
Browse Agenda of the High-level Policy Debate
Look at the Policy Debate Photo Gallery
On the 20th March 2019, we held a Symposium entitled "Horizons for Heritage Research - Towards a Cluster on Cultural Heritage". The Symposium was hosted by the European Commission and supported by the Secretariat offered by REACH. The meeting took place in Covent Garden Building A 1210 Sint-Joost-ten-Node.
You can Download here the Symposium Agenda
The aim of the Symposium was to agree on the content of a Manifesto that provides the basis for the creation and the sustainability of a research stakeholder cluster on Cultural Heritage. You are invited to
Policy debate
In the morning of the 21st March 2019, we organised a high-level policy debate on Cultural Heritage and the Cultural and Creative Industries in Horizon Europe. The high-level policy debate was hosted by MEP Christian Ehler, rapporteur of the Horizon Europe proposal in the European Parliament, and co-organised with the European Commission. The debate brought together research stakeholders and top European policy-makers to reflect on the results achieved and perspectives for European funded research and innovation on cultural heritage and the cultural and creative industries. The Policy debate took place in the House of European History.
You can Download here the Agenda of the Policy debate
Together with our high-level policy guests, we reflected on the legacy of the year, difficulties encountered and feedback received to take stock of European research policy developments, discussing the needs and benefits of a joint coordination effort and preparing for the next steps to be taken.
We reflected on the following questions that have been the common thread for all the sessions:
- Did the EYCH trigger a lasting policy dynamic for research?
- What is the legacy of the EYCH for research and innovation?
- Which improvements are required, and what resources can be mobilised?
- How could we shape our mission within a longer perspective?
As a second topic, we proposed a discussion on the idea of a Cluster of Cultural Heritage stakeholders, intended as a network of networks.
Heritage is a resource for the future (Faro Convention, 2005). In this light, in order for cultural heritage to be protected, sustainable, and resilient, a strategy that promotes inter-disciplinary learning is required. The Cluster will be a space to continue research-related debates on key questions raised during the EYCH, with an holistic approach that includes the very wide range of disciplines concerned with research on Cultural Heritage.
Download the updated Synopsis of all running H2020 CH projects (with the exception of ERC and MSCA grants).
The background of the Cluster is represented by the Policy Paper ‘Innovation in Cultural Heritage Research – For an integrated European Research Policy’ written by Gábor Sonkoly and Tanja Vahtikari (2018).
A liaison is considered to be established with ECHOES, the Cluster on Cultural Heritage Conservation and with other existing and under-development clusters on CH.
Download symposium invitation card.
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