12 April 2021,online. ESACH's interview on REACH for the European Heritage Youth Ambassador Programme.
Dr. Antonella Fresa, from Promoter srl, released an interview on REACH results in the framework of the European Heritage Youth Ambassador Programme promoted by ESACH.
12 November 2020,online. REACH at the 2nd OpenHeritage Dialogue"Sharing and Caring: Partnerships for Adaptive Heritage Reuse"
Dr. György Eszter, from ELTE University, presented the REACH Minority Heritage Pilot in the context of adaptive heritage reuse. Look at the video presentation here
5 November 2020,online. REACH at the EuroMed 2020 Conferenze
Dr. Francesca Melani, REACH project Dissemination Team, presented the contribution of the REACH project to the preservation of tangible and intangible heritage through participation.
Link to the presentation
More information here
27-30 October 2020,online. REACH at the Rock Open Knowledge Week
Dr. Francesca Melani, REACH project Dissemination Team, supported the activity of community building with a booth on REACH during the 4 days virtual exhibition organised in the framework of the event.
More information here
20 July 2020, Florence. REACH at EVA 2020 Florence Conference
Dr. Francesca Melani, REACH project Dissemination Team, promoted the project outcomes and the digital gallery.
Link to the presentation
More information here
18 December 2019, Cyprus. REACH at the WeAre#EuropeForCulture event.
Dr. Antonella Fresa, REACH project Network Coordinator, promoted the project and the final conference in Pisa.
28 September 2019, Budapest (Hungary) . REACH at the Metropolitan Research Institute Conference.
Dr. György Eszter (ELTE) participated as a speaker in the session "Participation and identity in heritage re-use in urban contexts". Her presentation was "Participatory heritage – examples of Roma heritage in Hungary".
More information here
10-12 July 2019 L'Aquila (Italy). REACH at the at Silk Cities conference 2019 "Reconstruction Recovery and Resilience of Historic Cities and Societies"
In the framework of Small Town Heritage pilot action, Paola Branduini and Fabio Carnelli, from Politecnico of Milan associate partner of the REACH project, in collaboration with Mauro Fazio (MISE) presented the first findings of the survey from North Italy about the preservation of rural landscapes as a tool for building resilience. Read more here.
28 June 2019 Castillejar, Granada (Spain). REACH at the workshop focus on the management of historical irrigation systems.
Prof. Jose María Martín Civantos (UGR) left a contribute talking about the values of irrigator systems and the experiences carried on in the framework of the REACH projects.
Read more here.
23-24 May 2019, Budapest (Hungary) . REACH at the Arts and the City Conference.
Dr. György Eszter (ELTE) gave a presentation about the REACH partner in Újpest, entitled: “Roma Heritage in Budapest: The Example of the Roma Local History Collection in Újpest”. https://artsandthecity2019.wordpress.com/
17 May 2019, Budapest (Hungary). REACH at the seminar " Tomor Social Design Field Lab".The Minority Heritage Pilot's Team (ELTE) presented the REACH Project at the seminar for presentation and evaluation of the experimental project 'Tomor Social Design Field Lab’ organised by MOME EcoLab.
27 April 2019, Madrid (Spain). REACH at the Arqueonet congress.
Dr. Lara Delgado Anés (UGR) participated in the round table about " Women digital disseminators, women who made and comunicate science" in Arqueonet congress
26 April 2019, Vila Nova de Foz Côa,( Portugal) . REACH at the Seminar "Archaeology, Museums and Communities".
Prof. José María Martín Civantos and Dr. Lara Delgado Anés (UGR) participated in this seminar organised by Ribacvdana association; their presentation was titled "Community Archaeology in Sierra Nevada (España): the survival of a Territory". https://ribacvdana.wixsite.com/ribacvdana/ii-fazer-com-tod-s
12 April 2019 (Spain). REACH at the seminar "Land stewardship in Granada province"Prof. José María Martín Civantos and Dr. Lara Delgado Anés, from the University of Granada, participated in the seminar "Land stewardship in Granada province". They reported about the work of REACH project in the rural areas as the recovery of historical irrigation channels with the local Irrigators Communities.
2-5 April 2019 Madrid (Spain). REACH at the International Conference "The Museum for all people: Art, Accessibility and Social Inclusion"Dr. Friederike Berlekamp (SPK) presented the REACH project.
14-16 March 2019, Castelo de Vide (Portugal). REACH at the International Conference "Pequenas Ciudades e Ambiente"
Prof. Luda Klusakova (CUNI Charles University) presented the pilot study for the REACH project and Dr. Jaroslav Ira (CUNI Charles University) spoke about the case of Kdyně (Bohemia).
Read more here.
16 February 2019, Tomor (Hungary). REACH at the Tomor Social Design Field Lab.
Minority Heritage Pilot's Team (ELTE) visited the Tomor Social Design Field Lab organised by MOME EcoLab and introduced REACH project.
08 February 2019, Budapest (Hungary). REACH at "The Future of Roma cultural Heritage" conference.
Minority Heritage Pilot's Team (ELTE ) was present at this event to involve in conserving and supporting the heritage of Roma minorities.
Read more here.
6-7 December 2018 Vienna (Austria). REACH at the Closing Conference of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018
REACH joined the event represented by the project coordinator Prof. Neil Forbes, from Coventry University and Dr. Antonella Fresa, network manager.
Read more here.
3-4 December 2018 Huelva (Spain). REACH at the second Faro Convention research-action workshop
Dr. Gábor Oláh (ELTE) presented the REACH project and hosted the world café table on social cohesion and integration.
- 08 November 2018, Budapest (Hungary). REACH at Heritage Evenings.
Minority Heritage Pilot's Team (ELTE) participated in
this Heritage evening organized by ELTE BTK Atelier Európai Társadalomtudomány és Historiográfia Tanszék; the representatives of the two H2020 projects, REACH and Open Heritage, introduced and discussed the differences and similarities of the projects and the main issues of creating a bottom-up, democratized cultural Heritage.
Further information: poster
15-16 November 2018 Brussels (Belgium). REACH at the Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage
Dr. Antonella Fresa (Promoter) REACH project Network Coordinator.
Read more here
29 October 2018 Alicante (Spain). REACH at the International Workshop "Digital History and Public History"
Dr. Maurizio Toscano (UGR University of Granada) held a presentation about participatory approaches and engagment strategies in Digital History projects.
23-24 October 2018 Berlin (Germany). REACH at Europeana Aggregators Forum
Dr. Antonella Fresa (Promoter) REACH project Network Coordinator.
15-18 October 2018 Berlin (Germany). REACH at Beiträge 2018 Berliner Herbsttreffen
Dr. Friederike Berlekamp (SPK Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) introduced the REACH project and Open-Heritage Platform.
16 October 2018 Warsaw (Poland). REACH at the International Conference on Multiple Heritages
Prof. Luda Klusakova (CUNI Charles University) introduced the REACH project and the Small Towns Heritage Pilots
Read more here
12 October 2018 Pisa (Italy). REACH at Europeana Migration Collection Day
Dr. Antonella Fresa (Promoter) REACH project Network Coordinator.
Read more here
6 October 2018 Budapest (Hungary). REACH at Budapest Ritmo Conference
Dr. Eszter György (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University) introduced the REACH project and the Minority Heritage pilot.
Read more here.
1-5 October 2018 Košice (Slovakia). REACH at urbanHIST NWWW IV - Programme
Prof. Luda Klusakova (CUNI Charles University) introduced the REACH project.
2 October 2018, Madrid (Spain). REACH at the seminar "Archaeology, History and Environment", University "Juan Carlos King"
Dr. Lara Delgado Anés and Pablo Romero Pellitero (UGR University of Granada) presented the work from MEMOLab Laboratory in the framework of REACH project.
25-27 September 2018, Vatra Dornei (Romania). REACH at the XI European Mountain Convention
Prof. Neil Forbes, REACH project coordinator, presented "How can digital technologies help to engage with cultural heritage and how can they create innovate interactions with cultural audiences? The examples of the RICHES and REACH projects".
Read more here.
25-27 September 2018, Vatra Dornei (Romania). REACH at the XI European Mountain Convention
Prof. José María Martín Civantos (UGR University of Granada) presented the REACH project and the results of the MEMOLA project "MEMOLA Project: How can social innovation and ICT tools be used to promote cultural heritage based on traditional agrosystems”.
Read more here
13-14 September 2018, Beijing (China). REACH at CHCD – International Symposium on Cultural Heritage Conservation and Digitization
Dr. Antonella Fresa (Promoter) REACH project Network Coordinator.
Read more here
5-8 September 2018, Barcelona (Spain). REACH at the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologis
Rural Heritage Pilot's Team (UGR University of Granada) introduced the REACH project and the work in the rural areas.
4-7 September 2018, Granada (Spain). REACH at the 4th AIBR International Conference of Antropology. Dialogues, encounters and stories from the south.
Prof. José María Martín Civantos (UGR University of Granada) presented the Rural Heritage and the traditional management of the water.
21-22 August 2018, Bardejov (Slovakia). Cemeteries and memorials in the life of municipalities
Bardejov municipality and ECOVAST Slovakia, both REACH associate partners organized the 26th edition of the Bardkontakt conference.
Read more here.
21 June 2018, Berlin (Germany). REACH at the European Cultural Heritage summit- Visions for Cultural Heritage and Digital Platforms.
Prof Neil Forbes, REACH project Coordinator.
Read more here.
20 June 2018, Berlin (Germany). REACH at the European Cultural Heritage summit- Rock Poster Session, Cultural Heritage Connects.
Dr. Antonella Fresa REACH project Network Coordinator.
Read more here.
12 June 2018, Barcelona (Spain). REACH at the PHOTOCONSORTIUM annual event.
Dr. Antonella Fresa REACH project Network Coordinator.
Read more here
03-04 May 2018, Tallinn (Estonia). REACH at “New HoRRIzon workshop” meeting.
Prof. Neil Forbes, REACH project Coordinator.
7-15 April 2018, Cultural Heritage Mission in Japan.
Prof. Gábor Sonkoly, the academic coordinator of Minority Heritage Pilot of REACH project, visited eight universities to promote future cooperations. More info here.
12-13 April 2018, Berlin (Germany). REACH at “ViMM Expert Group” meeting.
Dr. Antonella Fresa (Promoter) REACH project Network Coordinator.
Read more here.
12-13 April 2018, Athens (Greece). CultureLabs kick-off meeting.
Prof. Neil Forbes, REACH project Coordinator.
21 March 2018, Budapest (Hungary). REACH at “Cultural heritage, social cohesion and place attachment” conference/workshop - session 10 “Heritage of ethnic and minority groups”
Dr. Eszter György and Dr. Gábor Oláh (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University) presented REACH project and the pilot on Minority Heritage.
Read more here.
20 March 2018, Brussels (Belgium). REACH at “Innovation and Cultural Heritage”
Dr. Antonella Fresa (Promoter) REACH project Network Coordinator.
Read more here.